Not happily, I went on medication. "Not for long," I told my doctor. Believing that I could do this with diet and exercise, I set about on my journey to lower my blood sugar. Come hell or high water!
No more cakes, cookies, candy, OH, MY! This wasn't going to be easy, but I was determined. Apples became my salvation -- sliced very thin (kind of like potato chips, but not). I brought them to work, and devoured them at home. No, it wasn't the same, but my blood sugar was coming down.
Next on my agenda was exercise. HAHAHAHA! No, really. That's what they told me to do. This girl was not about to darken the doorway of any self-respecting gym; it just wasn't going to happen.
I was told that walking, plain old walking, would bring down my blood sugar. I can walk. And walk I did! Evidently, this basic form of exercise has a great effect on belly-fat. Seriously, it was falling off me -- probably left in the street somewhere :)
You might not have said I was Overweight, but I did need to lose some pounds, and walking did it.
It wasn't long before I could see the results. I did notice something else though, my blood sugar was going down and so was I. I began to feel light-headed and sometimes actually passing out. After conferring with my doctor, we decided that I would stop the medication. I did it! I succeeded in lowering my blood sugar through diet and exercise. I thought I was "cured!" Maybe not...
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