Feeling so much better. Got an appointment with my own doctor Thursday evening. By then, I was on the upswing but still not my usually fun-filled self.
"I need a cure," I told her. She rolled her eyes, we have this "dance." She did a chest x-ray and blood work, told me (what I already knew) that the Tamiflu wasn't doing anything. I stopped it. Likely, my dilemma was probably an evil virus. She gave me a prescription for nasal spray that was miraculous -- I can actually breathe. I kept taking the Tylenol, and within two more days, fever gone and, I was back in action. I realize that within a couple of days, it may have left me anyway, but her help certainly alleviated my symptoms.
EVERYONE deserves a good doctor. My mother was a nurse and she used to tell us to remember that, "they're only human." Over the years, I've learned that these words are true. Nobody's perfect. I know that. But, I've become a "Doctor Snob." By that I mean, I have insurance, and I know how to do research. I use the Internet to check out a doctors' credentials. If I think he/she is the person for me, I try them. If I'm not comfortable, I'm out of there, and the search continues. I consider word of mouth recommendations, knowing that we're all different. This method has served me well in way too many instances.
"Dr. G." hates that I think she's a magician. But, she has been exactly that for me. She is an incredible diagnostician and has never steered me wrong. She's held my hand through a lot of "thrilling" experiences. Neurosurgery -- if it wasn't for her "investigative skills," I don't know where I'd be! She was persistent, relentless, and incredibly caring. Just knowing that she was there for me, was a huge support.
She diagnosed my A-fib and referred me to a wonderful cardiologist who texted her to let her know how I was, after he did my ablation. That's how much she cares.
She found the diabetes. Of course, I argued that it was ridiculous and impossible for ME to be diabetic. She was patient and walked me through the process, and here I am still learning, fighting the fight, and dedicated to being healthy -- even with diabetes. "Dr. G" has been my support. She's relentless, monitoring me at every turn. Months back I was having a terrible time -- out of control. I knew I needed more accountability. Dr. G. told me to journal my blood sugar every day, taking it before and after breakfast, lunch and dinner. (Later, we changed it to just breakfast and dinner.) I kept a chart and faxed it to her at the end of each week. It was great. I felt supported. Just charting it helped me to eat better! That extra form of accountability was really helpful. Then, during appointments, we discussed my numbers and figured out any areas of concern, regarding my eating. She cares, and we work together to keep me healthy. I'll never leave her.
If you don't have a doctor like that, keep looking. You deserve it! We all do.
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